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Romanian profanity
oBiData: Joi, 2008-10-30, 11:17 AM | Mesaj # 1
Grup: Şterse

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romanian profanity (înjurătură) refers to a set of words considered blasphemous or inflammatory in the Romanian language.

The Romanian fă, traseistă, putoare, haimana, parașută, muistă (mostly used to denote prostitutes that agree to have oral sex as well), bagaboantă

Profanities related to anatomy
The male anatomy

* coaie: equivalent to using "dude" or "mate" in English speaking countries. For example "Salut, coaie, ce faci?" means "Hi, balls, how are you doing?".

Another stupid frase like this is "Ce faci coi?" (and that's where the name of the place "Băicoi" came from) or "Ce faci bai pula?" meaning "What are u doing ball?" and "Yo dick, how's goin'?". Those last two are mostly used by peasants or rednecks (who think they are different or smarter then the usual people that talk dirty). Most young people (with no education) see nothing wrong in being addressed in this manner, while some older people might be offended.

* smardan: huge pesant dick (used only between gay people)
* pula, cardan, caras, guvide, cabanos, carbasan, stromeleag (or "sturmeleag"), ceatarna, stopleaca, madular, pulete, baros, falus, scula, puță, salam, ciocan, cabanos cu capu' gros, salam de vara cu capu' afara, cârnat, cric ("să te iau pe cric"< mostly used by readnecks "to lift you up on the jack" and meaning "to screw" someone >), cuc (cucu-n fălci )', carici, belis, vrej, mataranga: penis,dick

The female anatomy

* balcoane (plural of balcon): a woman's breasts (literally "balconies")
* bidoane (plural of bidon): a woman's big breasts (literally "canisters")
* pizdă/pizdoi/pizdulice: vagina, pussy
* mingeac, mă-ta în pula goală: mij, fleașcă, buburuză, salamul invers, rozmarin, muzicuță, gingirică, zeană, fofoloancă, zbarca, dodoasca, păsărică, fluturaș, cisdirică, cascaraveta, veveriță: vagina

General anatomy and body functions

* buci (plural of bucă): ass cheeks.
* floci (plural of floc): pubic hairs.
* căcat: shit
* căcare: shitting; shit as in "to take a shit"
* laba: masturbation (literally "paw")
* căcău: ass
* mizerie: ass hole
* cur: ass
* rozeta: ass hole
* popou: ass, tush
* găozar: gay
* partar: gay (referring to men)
* găoază: asshole (literally "hole")
* ochi(ul) maro : asshole (literally "the brown eye")
* ochi(ul) cu gene încâlcite : asshole (literally "the eye with tangled up eyebrows")
* sarpele cu un ochi : dick (literally "one-eyed snake")
* miel(ul) cu o nara: dick (literally "one-nostriled lamb")
* futai, futere: sexual intercourse
* muie: blowjob, oral sex("muie" comes from "muian" which is an old Romanian word for "face" still used in some rural areas, although "faţă" is now used the most).
* a bate maimuta: to masturbate (literally "to beat the monkey")
* a canta la flautul cu gusa: to do a blowjob (oral sex) to someone
* pipi: children's word for piss
* pişat: piss
* batca: masturbation
* smecleu: sperm
* sloboz: sperm
* a-i iesi mucu la miel: to ejaculate (literally "to pop the bugger of the lamb")
* a-i urca lutul la deal, a-i urca balegarul la deal: to make anal sex with someone (literally "to push the dirt up, on the hill")
* a da la magazia cu damf: to make anal sex with someone (literally "to hit the reeked storeroom")
* a-i da in cap lu' mutu: to masturbate

Common cursing (literally translation)

* Du-te-n pizda mă-tii !: Go into your mother's cunt
* Futu-ți morții mă-tii !: Fuck your mother's dead relatives
* Futu-ți gâtul mă-tii !: Fuck you mother's neck
* Futu-ți soarele mă-tii !: Fuck your mother's sun
* Futu-ți dumnezeii mă-tii !: Fuck your mother's gods
* Du-te-n sloboz ! : Go in the sperm
* Să te fut în cur pe mă-ta !: Fuck you in the ass on your mother
* Să-mi bag pula-n gâtul tău !: Stick my dick into your throat
* Futu-ți ceapa mă-tii!: Fuck your mother's onion!
* Futu-ți căcatu' mă-tii de la cur !:Fuck your mother shit from her ass!!
* Futu-ti mormantu' ma-tii!: Fuck your mother's grave!
* Futu-ti Cristosu' ma-tii!: Fuck your mother's Christ!
* Futu-ti biserica/biseu' ma-tii !: Fuck your mother's church!
* Spala-m-ai in cur!: Wash my ass!
* Ia pula cu clestii!: Take the dick with the tongs!

SaLLaDinData: Joi, 2008-10-30, 12:39 PM | Mesaj # 2
Grup: Şterse

Foarte educativ sa mor dk as fi pus asa cva pe un forum. V-ar conveni sa va urc balegarul in pod pe sv? Hy k asta e chiar nasol! cum sa reziste sv asta?? Gg Obi meriti un os smile
oBiData: Joi, 2008-10-30, 3:06 PM | Mesaj # 3
Grup: Şterse

Quote (SaLLaDin)

Foarte educativ sa mor dk as fi pus asa cva pe un forum. V-ar conveni sa va urc balegarul in pod pe sv? Hy k asta e chiar nasol! cum sa reziste sv asta?? Gg Obi meriti un os smile

Multumesc frumos salldine :)) Esti un copil tampit si cu siguranta f prost... Toate aceste cuvinte se gasesc in Dictionarul de Argouri al Limbii Romane... Cei care au scris acest articol pe Wikipedia exact din acel dictionar s-au inspirat... Problema e ca tu esti atat de prost incat nu ai auzit de acest dictionar.... Inca ceva.... ai ID-ul meu de mess si cand ai chef de o iesire la o bere sa imi dai un buzz... Suntem din acelasi oras si ar fi pacat sa nu te cunosc.... O stiu doar pe mamicuta ta, atat....

skillaData: Luni, 2008-11-17, 9:55 AM | Mesaj # 4
Major general
Grup: Member
Mesaje: 442
Reputaţie: 4
Status: Offline
prea tare :)) cam vulgar .. dar ... tare ^^ aia cu cf pula , cf coaie e tare :)) nu le folosesc sa fie clar ;))

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